Having instructed over 10,000+ students and business professionals, from undergraduates to PhDs, to entry level Financial Analyst to Managing Directors and CEOs, Dr. Hammett has taught, encouraged, and transformed the lives of business professionals and government officials around the world. From the USA to Kazakhstan, from South Korea to Uganda, Dr. Hammett has been part of major decisions that have impacted people from diverse backgrounds.
She is a dynamic speaker in person on a stage or online during a live meeting or webinar, Dr. Hammett keeps attendees engaged as she wittingly presents information. She also ensures that she give time for attendees to ask questions. This always allows for an engaging and interesting time.
Here is a list of subjects Dr. Hammett can discuss with you and your organization to help transform how they see themselves and the role they play in achieving the vision of the company.
Business and Development
Developing an Ethical Company Culture
Ethics is Universal
Morality in an Immoral World
Ethical Corporate Social Responsibility
Dealing with Unethical Behavior in Universities
Effective Communication
Cross-Cultural Communication
Empowering All Employees to Pick Up Trash and Buy the Coffee
Equipping Culturally Diverse & Successful Teams
Dealing with Jerk Teammates
Navigating Inept Managers
Ethical Decisions in a Woke Culture

Motivational - Personal - Political
Thriving As A Young, Smart, Woman in a Male Dominated Industry
Women Lecturers in a Male Dominated South Korea
40 Countries – Bibles – Machine Guns – Hair Pulling
Sexual Assault in Universities in South Korea
Saying No to Evil
Navigating Toxic (Unethical) Work Environments
Political Parties : Saying Evil Is Good
From Eating Dirt to Caviar
Obedience: A Journey of Love
Living in a Democracy with Totalitarian Generation Xers
My Life, His Faith
Democrat-Kingdom-Republican:Only One Choice For Eternity
Policies Poverty and Wealth
United States of America is United
Deception, Lies, and the Lost​