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Team Building

(In House and Virtual Employees)

Team Talk

Successful organizations place a high value on teamwork. It is proven that engaged employees deliver greater productivity, better customer service, superior quality products, and more innovative solutions.


Team Building takes more than a one day or weekend retreat.


Team Building requires dedication and commitment to not only the tasks or projects, but to the individuals who are playing their part to ensure that the overall objectives of a company are met.


Beverlin has always been on a team. From her time playing volleyball, softball, and basketball to working with two to 200 co-workers in various departments in large and small corporations and universities, she has firsthand experience on what makes a team successful and what contributes to them falling apart.  Given Beverlin's experience, she has assured that all Associates understand the value of being a member of a team.


BH & Associates Global help your organization develop strategies for both In-House and Virtual teams to work As One.

In-House Teams Strategies

  • Acquire and engage in highly effective team behavior.

  • Ensure that effect feedback channels are established.

  • Learn and develop skills needed to engage in practical communication in order to give and receive operative feedback while maintaining positive relationships.

  • Develop collaborative strategies that will allow team members to be aware of other team member's strengths.

  • Conflict avoidance strategies that would allow potential issues to be resolved before they impact the team’s progress.

  • Conflict resolution strategies (one-on-one and collectively as a team) where everyone is heard, and solutions allows for team members to continue to work together.

Virtual Teams Strategies

  • Develop virtual meetings that are engaging where everyone is focused on the speaker and content delivered.

  • Determine if your company needs to invest in a virtual meeting platform.

  • Create prompts that would allow those listening on the call to note their thoughts and/or questions concerning the content being shared. This will minimize follow up questions about specific information discussed on the call.

  • Strategically assess who should be on the call and who may opt-out.

  • Maintain a culture of collaboration and connection.

  • Empower and ensure high productivity and personal accountability.

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